

These Herman Miller is a furniture store. These shipping boxes for their company could have been created in Illustrator. I would make most of these shapes with the pen tool. I would also use the shape and type tool for some elements.

These box designs definitely  use the design elements of shape and color. The design relies almost entirely on simple shapes and numbers. Also, the strong red and black colors are striking against the tan boxes. The design is well balanced, as no one side of the box becomes dominant. In this way, there is no one focal point. This encourages the viewer to look at the box from all sides and angles.

I believe this design was well thought out and executed. Although well designed shipping boxes may seem to be excessive, they contribute to the appeal of the brand. Also, these boxes play off the idea of toy blocks, but are a more refined, modern version.



This invitation could be created using a combination of InDesign and Illustrator.I would use the pen tool in Illustrator for the cassette and the “directions” squiggly writing. I could also use the shape tool for some smaller elements in the cassette. I would then import my image into InDesign and complete the invitation from there.

These invites rely on the design elements of color, shape and value. The designer stuck to an analogous color scheme of blue, yellow and green. These colors are harmonious because they are next to each other on the color wheel. Also, the designer used simple, fun shapes like hearts and stars to move the viewer’s eye across the invite. The value appears in some of the hearts that become transparent when they overlap with other shapes. The designer also repeated the cassette and other shapes, contributing to the unity of the design.

I believe this invitation is very well designed. Although it seems casual for a wedding, it’s size and multiple parts make it more formal. The design communicates a fun, laid-back event where there is sure to be plenty of music.

Birthday Party

Birthday Party

This birthday party invitation could be created in InDesign. I might have to begin by creating the background “ray” design in Illustrator and then import that image into InDesign for the text.

This Birthday invite uses the design elements of color and size. The designer varies the size, direction and color of the text. This creates interest and encourages the viewers to actively read the invitation. Also, the designer uses contrasting colors of blue-green and red. This makes certain elements pop out against the mostly blue text. The designer also uses size to create dominance among certain elements.

Overall, I believe this is a very well designed invite. The designer takes what would have been a very boring set of text and completely transforms it. The text and the radial design in the background give a kind of retro feel.

Farmer’s Market Brochure.

Farmer's Market Brochure.

This brochure is for a local farmer’s market. It could be created using a combination of Illustrator and InDesign. I would use illustrator to draw the fruits with the labels on them and the fruit design on the bottom border. I would then insert these images into InDesign to complete the brochure with multiple text boxes.

The designer uses color, shape and size. They varied the size of the fruit and repeated it throughout the design. This repetition creates a unified design. Also, the designer used multiple decorative text boxes that act as shapes on the brochure. The designer also kept to a mostly primary color palette and then used brown to offset these bright colors.

I believe this design is very well done. I love pattern, so I enjoyed how it was repeated on the front of the brochure and then again on the bottom border. Also, the retro text boxes and banners really complete the design. This design definitely communicates local, fresh produce.

Dental Clinic Ad

Dental Clinic Ad

This advertisement could have been created in Photoshop. I would use the color replacement tool to change the yellow banana white. I would then add the dentist bib with the type on top.
This ad uses the design elements of color and shape. The white color of the banana contradicts our perception of the fruit and grab’s the viewer’s attention. Also, the ad is almost entirely white. This color creates a clean feel. The shape of the banana also mimics the shape of a persons smile. This ad is balanced with symmetry and dominance. The banana becomes the focal point.
This advertisement is very clever. I’ll admit it took me a little while to understand the banana being a symbol of a smile. I think it is well designed and communicates the product of teeth whitening very well.



This brochure could have been created in InDesign. I would start by laying out the large photo in the center and then layer the smaller orange photo on top. I would also add the logo on the left and the type on the right. I could use paragraph styles to easily change the headlines to orange.
The strongest elements in this brochure are color and value. The black and white tone images rely completely on value. The color of the neon orange creates an interesting contrast against the black and white photos. The bright color is used in smaller amounts as to not overwhelm the brochure. The designer also balanced the brochure by distributing the color on opposite ends of the brochure.
This brochure is well designed. It seems to be ironic, as the black and white photos seem old fashioned while the neon orange is very modern.

Petits Gateaux

Petits Gateaux

This is an advertisement for a cupcake shop. It could have been created in photoshop. I would layer an image of a cupcake onto an image of a rose and use the brush tool to soften the edges. I would also create a radial gradient background.
This advertisement uses the design elements of value and direction. The value of the background draws your eye toward the cupcake. Also, the leaves on the rose use direction to draw your attention toward the lettering. Also, the designer stayed mostly within a warm pink and red color range, creating harmony. The green contrasts against the red. This green stem is another directional line that draws the viewer’s eye toward the cupcake at the top of the rose.
This is a smart, well executed ad. The cupcake appears to be divine, as it is glowing against the pink background. Also, the composition was well thought-out. It continually leads the viewers’ attention towards the cupcake and the type.

Film Poster

Film Poster

This poster for the filmmaker’s showcase in St. Louis could have been created in Illustrator. I would use the pen tool and the shape tools to create the majority of the ice cream cone. I would also use the type tool for the type on the bottom and on the cone.
This poster uses the design elements of shape, color and value. There are subtle values on the film creating a little dimension while still having a relatively flat feel. This designer also added diamond shapes to the ice cream cone, creating a cool texture that balances the smaller cut-out squares on the film. This also creates harmony as there is an equal range of smaller and larger shapes.
This design is very cute and clever. The film substituted for ice cream gives the competition a casual, fun feel. The colors are still relatively muted, keeping the design mature.

Abuse Prevention

Abuse Prevention

This advertisement to end abuse could have been created in photo shop. I would find an image of a hand and layer and warp text over it to create the hand silhouette. I would then delete the original image of the hand so I just had the hand composed of words. I would then layer this hand over the boy’s picture.
This ad uses design elements such as shape and texture. The various texts create texture while they form the shape of the hand. the designer also creates contrast with the letters against the skin on the boy. This creates an unsettling feeling.
I believe this add is effective and well communicated. It is a very powerful ad that urges people to end abuse. It makes the event feel very real without being too explicit. It is just powerful enough to get the point across.

Peru Advertisement

Peru Advertisement

This is an advertisement for a travel company promoting traveling to Peru. This ad could have been created in photo shop. I would select the head and arms of the man and layer them on top of the beach images. I could also use the brush tool to blend the edges so he appears to fade into the landscape.
This ad uses the design elements of size and value. The designer makes the man seem very large in comparison to the beach images.
The designer created dominance as the man is the focal point. Also the designer contrasted the man against these nature objects.
This advertisement was confusing to me as it took me a while to figure out what it was promoting. Also, the idea of a man’s body being a scenic island doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. In addition, the beige color in the background seems very bland. I think I would have passed right through this advertisement had it been in a magazine.